New DriveLock version 2024.2 is already available
We are pleased to announce the latest version of DriveLock - version 2024.2 is now available to all customers. With this release, you can expect...
1 min read
Dec 1, 2021 9:00:00 AM
The second major release of this year is notably not only for extensive improvements but also for the unification of management and configuration functions under one interface: the web-based "DriveLock Operations Center" (DOC). This web-based DOC is the central interface for overviews, dashboards and report generation. It has been revised and is now the central platform for all daily management tasks of the DriveLock solution.
With the transfer of all daily functions from the standalone configuration interface (DMC) to the central management console (DOC), the management of DriveLock solutions becomes easier, faster and effortless. All important tasks can be performed directly in DOC, while the user stays in the same interface. This creates a consistent and improved user experience.
Important new features are our answer to important requests from our customers: Drives can now be permanently shared directly from DOC with minimal effort; Necessary whitelist rules are created automatically; Administrators can also create and manage DriveLock policies and static groups centrally from the DOC with just a few clicks. DriveLock also improved DOC's reporting feature: Users can send DOC reports via email to any group of addressees at regular intervals and in an automated manner.
In the course of the 2021.2 release, DriveLock has also optimised and expanded its Native OS security management functions. Microsoft Defender Antivirus Management now offers additional graphics for easier evaluation and handling of files that are in quarantine. In BitLocker Management, the convenient, central control of Microsoft hard disk encryption via DriveLock, recovery keys can now be automatically exchanged at a predefined interval and saved in the DriveLock database. This protects them even better from misuse.
We recommend all customers update their environment with the latest DriveLock version as soon as possible.
The new version is available via the DriveLock Management Console under "DriveLock Enterprise Services -> Product Packages and Files -> Software Packages". Cloud users will find the latest version of the Agent in the Configuration -> Installations section or can distribute it directly via Autoupdate.
The DriveLock Release Notes can be found in our online help.
We are pleased to announce the latest version of DriveLock - version 2024.2 is now available to all customers. With this release, you can expect...
Updates concern: Security, ease of use, DriveLock Operations Center, Microsoft BitLocker and more
Our first release in 2021 introduces many new features and gives our customers and interested parties an outlook on where we are heading with...